Return-to-School FAQ

What priorities did you use when developing the Closter reopening plan?
What guidelines and requirements did the New Jersey Department of Education provide?
What professional guidance are you using in your decision making?
Are you using the guidelines of the American Association of Pediatrics or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine?
How long will the Phase I schedule last?
Why are you using an A/B day, hybrid schedule when other school districts are doing something different?
Why is there a four-hour day? Can’t we go back right away to a full school day?
Why not have a five-hour day with lunch in school?
What is the reason students will remain in the same class all day?
When will I know what my child’s hybrid learning schedule will be? Can I request a specific schedule?
What will the class size be for hybrid and fully virtual?
If our family traveled before September 8, do the students have to quarantine?
Will masks be required to be worn by students and staff?
What PPE and supplies has the school secured to protect our students and staff?
What about hand washing? When and how will that occur?
When will high-touch surfaces and bathrooms be sanitized?
Have you checked on ventilation of classrooms and will classrooms be able to use the new air-conditioners?
Will student and teacher desks have plexiglass shields?
Will there be emergency drills that potentially expose students to COVID?
What type of health screening will you use and how often?
Will you require all students and staff to be tested for COVID-19 and COVID-19 antibodies prior to starting school?
Will the Tenakill Middle School students have access to lockers?
Are students in hybrid and in fully virtual options following the exact same curriculum?
How will physical education be conducted? Will shared equipment be utilized?
Will music, art, and other “specials” instruction take place in the students' classrooms or will students leave the classrooms and go to the specials room for instruction?
For art, will students have their own dedicated supplies? Will students share supplies?
Will there be singing in classrooms? Will shared instruments be used?
Will students eat a snack in the classroom?
How will social distancing be kept during dismissal?
Will classes be livestreamed?
By not returning to full-time in-person classes, will our students have academic, social, and emotional gaps, when compared to students in other places?
What is the protocol in case there's an outbreak at school? What is the plan if several teachers are sick?

Q&A from Our Back-to-School Session

Below you will find the Q&A from our Back-to-School Session held on Thursday, August 6, 2020. You can also view the recorded back-to-school Zoom session at your convenience.

Fully Virtual Learning Option Questions
Hybrid Option Questions
Questions Related to Both Options
Quarantine Questions
Facilities Questions
Health Screening Questions