Title I
Title I offers special programs and services to address the needs of struggling students from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Frequent progress monitoring and assessment data is used to make instructional decisions. High quality instruction and interventions that use proven and appropriate methods and materials are implemented. The plan is revised and evaluated each year with input from building parents, teachers and administrators.
What is a targeted assisted Title i program?
Assessment data is used to identify struggling readers in need of extra instruction in addition to and aligned with the mathematics curriculum.
How are students selected?
At the beginning of each school year, a needs assessment determines which students would benefit most from Title I services. It includes assessment data along with teacher and parent recommendation. Grade level expectations and performance data are analyzed to determine the type of intervention that is necessary for the student to master grade level skills.
How do students exit the program?
Students can exit the program based on their progress as determined by their instructors, reports, class performance, and parental input.
When and where does instruction take place?
Title I students receive intensive small group instruction from a highly qualified mathematics specialist during the regular school day. Struggling mathematicians are given more time for intensive instruction in order to close the achievement gap.
What are mathematics interventions?
Mathematics interventions are proven and appropriate programs and methods designed to address the needs of struggling mathematics. The goal of an intervention is to stop mathematics gaps so that grade level skills can be mastered. This is accomplished by direct and explicit instruction in addition to the regular classroom mathematics program.
How can I find out more about Title I programs?
Title I can be discussed at Back to School night, during Principal Advisory Committee meetings, or with the mathematics Plus Program teacher who manages the Title I program.
- Learn more about Title I programs and policies.
- Learn about rights and responsibilities as a Title I parent.
- Learn about parenting programs and mathematics reinforcement.
- Meet Title I staff.
- Become involved in the education of their children.
What is the Title I PAC?
Parent involvement is important for student achievement and the success of Title I programs. All parents are invited to attend the Principal Advisory Council meetings. Reminders are listed on the district calendar and in the school newsletters. Dates and times rotate to accommodate all parents. At the PAC meeting, parents are given the opportunity to:
- Determine Title I program goals
- Plan, implement and evaluate Title I programs
- Revise the Parent Involvement Policy and Compact
- Attend Parent Involvement conferences and build capacity
What is a Parent Involvement Policy?
The district has a Title I Parent Involvement Policy. The district policy sets the expectation and establishes the framework for parent involvement at each building. A school level policy explains how each school will involve Title I parents in their child’s education. The policy is available at each building, distributed to parents, and can be found on the district website. The Parent Involvement Policy was developed with input from Title I parents. It is reviewed and updated annually.
What is a Parent-School Compact?
The parent-school compact states the goals and responsibilities of both the parent and school that are necessary in order to provide a quality education for all students. Each school in the district has a parent-school compact that is distributed to parents and the community. The parent-school compact was developed with input from Title I parents. It is reviewed and updated annually.