
Every child has the capability to learn. Recognizing that no two students learn in exactly the same way, we endeavor to deliver quality curriculum designed to meet the diverse learning needs of our students. We invest heavily in continuing education and training programs because we care about education, and we care about the future.

Curriculum & Instruction Philosophy

Closter Public Schools is full of caring and intelligent teachers who help form and create socially competent students skilled in multiple disciplines. We never rest on prior laurels as we execute the school growth model to continually guide us from good to great.

We shall accomplish this by:

  • Continuous professional development 
  • Encouraging passion in our teaching
  • Using experienced, master teachers to turnkey new and developing skills
  • Creating multiple opportunities for professional and personal growth
  • Effectively communicating objectives
  • Designing lessons that feature 21st-century competencies and literacies, which include Common Core State Standards and NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards
  • Employing technology as an integrated method of instruction 
  • Acknowledging that a living curriculum increases knowledge and reflects the community needs
  • Utilizing assessments to provide evidence of mastery and serve to foster continual growth
  • Meeting the initiatives and challenges from Achieve NJ for better student outcomes

From the NJ Department of Education

21st-century skills are fundamental. Teachers need to foster students’ curiosity, creativity, innovation, problem-solving, global literacy, communication, and interpersonal skills. Students need to understand technology and ethics and be able to synthesize information across disciplines. 

– New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (N.J.A.C. 6A: 9-3.3): Foundations of Effective Practice

We further our school growth because student learning is constantly changing, and as professionals we must meet those demands.

Curriculum Consortium

Eight school districts form the Northern Valley Consortium. With participation from all members of this association, the consortium writes curriculum on a five-year rotating basis, as mandated by the NJ Department of Education. The curriculum documents align objectives to relevant NJ Student Learning Standards.

The eight districts include: Closter, Demarest, Haworth, Harrington Park, Northvale, Norwood, Old Tappan, and the Northern Valley High School.

Contact Us

For kindergarten–grade 4 curriculum questions, contact:
Kristen Zanin, (201) 768-3001, ext. 41131

For grades 5–8 curriculum questions, contact:
Keith McElroy, (201) 768-3001, ext. 42211